Want to be a vendor or sponsor for the Eugene VeganFest?

A Huge Thank You To Our Sponsors…

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Come and Meet Our Vendors

To Love and Dye

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BNF Kombucha

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Welcome Home Animal Sanctuary

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Bop Pop Pets

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Nonbionary Artz

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Food Empowerment Project

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Blue Barn Farm and Sanctuary

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Cottage Crafts

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Ashland Creek Press

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Viva Vegetarian Grill

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YES! On IP28

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Wilkins Coffee and Chocolate

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Oregon Small Animal Resources

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Pan's Mushroom Jerky

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Full Circle Farm

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Dragon Spirit Health

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Plant Posse

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Shelter Animal Resources Alliance

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Rooting For You

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Partners and Friends

Compassionate Living

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Live Lifestyle Medicine

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Northwest Veg

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Eugene Veggies Group

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Animal Compassion Eugene

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Tikkun Olam Farm Sanctuary

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Southern Oregon VegFest

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Octavus Media

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Rainsong Design

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Hope for the Animals Podcast

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Vegan Visibility

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Mewo Mewo Tweet

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Vegan Printer

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River Organics

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Silver Falls Sustainability Company

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Eugene VeganFest is a project of Compassionate Living.

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Compassionate Living is a community-based 501c3 non-profit organization working to not only relieve the suffering of farmed animals, but to help build a more sustainable, just, and non-violent world, one where human and nonhuman animals can all prosper in peace and well being. Your tax deductible donation helps us continue our work for a more compassionate, healthy, and sustainable future.

Website by Rainsong Design. Website copyright Compassionate Living 2024. All rights reserved.